


Geesien Postema

My paintings come from a fascination for landscape and nature in general. It is all around us, with it’s beauty and growth everywhere and I love to recreate my own interpretation of this using unique, organic abstract forms. Through my art I want to take the viewer on a journey to a place of peace, rest and away from the daily life, like an escape to a garden where the viewer can relax and be happy. Through my use of different color palettes I want to evoke instinctive positive feelings for the viewer, to feel that personal connection with the artwork. Painting gives me so much pleasure and I ultimately hope that the viewers can also find a sense of personal beauty through my art that conveys to their own happiness.

Anniversary flowers

by Geesien Postema

From $110

Infinite Garden VI

by Geesien Postema

From $110

Infinite Garden VII

by Geesien Postema

From $130

Infinite Garden X

by Geesien Postema

From $110

Sea of Glass

by Geesien Postema

From $110

Sea of Glass I

by Geesien Postema

From $110

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