

All sales are considered final. Each order is made on-demand, and since our artwork offerings are all limited runs, inventory is subject to high turnover and rotates off the site quickly. We do accept returns for products that arrive damaged.

Most artwork offered on WorkWall’s site are exclusively licensed on a worldwide basis for a period of time. There are instances of some works that are licensed on more specific regional exclusivity and might be limited to just the United States market.

It’s possible while checking out someone else purchased the last remaining print allotted for the respective artwork. All artwork that WorkWall licenses is done so on a limited run basis, typically 250 prints. Once an artwork’s print run is exhausted, we legally cannot produce more prints.

WorkWall Builder is under development and should be ready for users in the coming months. The web app will allow users to arrange various sizes of artwork on a virtual screen to better reconstruct how one’s WorkWall will look prior to purchase. The app is intended to spatially represent a silhouette and how the selected artwork will come together during a video call. WorkWalls can be saved for review pre purchase or used as a reference post-purchase. They can also be shared with friends via social media.

Yes, compared to industry standards, WorkWall pays generous commissions based on the sale price to all partnering artists in the form of royalties. You can follow along with our impact on the “About” page to track how many artists we’ve partnered with, how many works we’ve licensed, and how much royalties we’ve paid out.

You will notice when filtering works in the gallery by color, that paintings have only been tagged with the most prominent colors they compose, where no one painting will be associated with more than four colors. As such, there are examples when colors you feel are prominent are not tagged to the respective painting. If you feel like we should change it, please get in touch with us and we’ll review your suggestion.

WorkWall produces all artwork in-house. That means we have complete control over the products that go into making your WorkWall. Check each product description for more details on what materials were used in each product we offer.

Yes, we are always on the look-out for up and coming talented artists that want to share their artwork with the world. Please visit our artwork submission page to submit an application to be a partnered artist.

There are many considerations taken when determining to add artwork to our existing collection. We try to offer a broad selections of works, both in content/subject and style. As our existing collections sells we look to replace works with new trends and interesting and unique pieces. If you’d like feedback on your works and what we are currently looking to add to our selection, please let us know by submitting your artwork.

WorkWall believes in simplicity, and as such, we offer products as depicted in their product images. They will arrive in the color matting and frame shown in their picture. We are always interested in better meeting our customer’s needs, so if you would like another frame color option, please let us know by getting in touch with us via our Contact Us page.

The aspect ratio is given according to the dimensions of the painting (i.e. the ink on the print). The idea is to provide an indication of the artwork’s shape to assist you while filling a blank space on your wall. Also, be sure to check out each product description which provides a slightly more detail on specific dimensions. We use the below breakdown (W:H):

<3:4 = Narrow
<1:1 to 3:4 = Slightly Narrow
1:1 = Square
>1:1 to 4:3 = Slightly Wide
>4:3 = Wide

WorkWall automatically generates order confirmation emails once an order is successfully placed. If you didn’t receive one please check in your spam folder of your email. If it’s not there, please get in touch with us at info@aworkwall.com and we’ll sort you out.



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